7 research outputs found

    Similarity reasoning for local surface analysis and recognition

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    This thesis addresses the similarity assessment of digital shapes, contributing to the analysis of surface characteristics that are independent of the global shape but are crucial to identify a model as belonging to the same manufacture, the same origin/culture or the same typology (color, common decorations, common feature elements, compatible style elements, etc.). To face this problem, the interpretation of the local surface properties is crucial. We go beyond the retrieval of models or surface patches in a collection of models, facing the recognition of geometric patterns across digital models with different overall shape. To address this challenging problem, the use of both engineered and learning-based descriptions are investigated, building one of the first contributions towards the localization and identification of geometric patterns on digital surfaces. Finally, the recognition of patterns adds a further perspective in the exploration of (large) 3D data collections, especially in the cultural heritage domain. Our work contributes to the definition of methods able to locally characterize the geometric and colorimetric surface decorations. Moreover, we showcase our benchmarking activity carried out in recent years on the identification of geometric features and the retrieval of digital models completely characterized by geometric or colorimetric patterns

    mpLBP: A point-based representation for surface pattern description

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    International audienceThe Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is a very popular pattern descriptor for images that is widely used to classify repeated pixel arrangements in a query image. Several extensions of the LBP to surfaces exist, for both geometric and colorimetric patterns. These methods mainly differ on the way they code the neighborhood of a point, balancing the quality of the neighborhood approximation with the computational complexity. For instance, using mesh topological neighborhoods as a surrogate for the LBP pixel neighborhood simplifies the computation, but this approach is sensitive to irregular vertex distributions and/or might require an accurate surface re-sampling. On the contrary, building an adaptive neighborhood representation based on geodesic disks is accurate and insensitive to surface bendings but it considerably increases the computational complexity. Our idea is to adopt the kd-tree structure to directly store a surface described by a set of points and to build the LBP directly on the point cloud, without considering any support mesh. Following the LBP paradigm, we define a local descriptor at each point that is further used to define a global statistical Mean Point LBP (mpLBP) descriptor. When used to compare shapes, this descriptor reaches state of the art performances , while keeping a low computational cost. Experiments on benchmarks and datasets from real world objects are provided altogether with the analysis of the algorithm parameters, property and descriptor robustness

    mpLBP: An Extension of the Local Binary Pattern to Surfaces based on an Efficient Coding of the Point Neighbours

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    International audienceThe description of surface textures in terms of repeated colorimetric and geometric local surface variations is a crucial task for several applications, such as object interpretation or style identification. Recently, methods based on extensions to the surface meshes of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) or the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptors have been proposed for geometric and colorimetric pattern retrieval and classification. With respect to the previous works, we consider a novel LBPbased descriptor based on the assignment of the point neighbours into sectors of equal area and a non-uniform, multiple ring sampling. Our method is able to deal with surfaces represented as point clouds. Experiments on different benchmarks confirm the competitiveness of the method within the existing literature, in terms of accuracy and computational complexity

    SHREC 2020 Track: River Gravel Characterization

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    The quantitative analysis of the distribution of the different types of sands, gravels and cobbles shaping river beds is a very important task performed by hydrologists to derive useful information on fluvial dynamics and related processes (e.g., hydraulic resistance, sediment transport and erosion, habitat suitability. As the methods currently employed in the practice to perform this evaluation are expensive and time-consuming, the development of fast and accurate methods able to provide a reasonable estimate of the gravel distribution based on images or 3D scanning data would be extremely useful to support hydrologists in their work. To evaluate the suitability of state-of-the-art geometry processing tool to estimate the distribution from digital surface data, we created, therefore, a dataset including real captures of riverbed mockups, designed a retrieval task on it and proposed them as a challenge of the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest (SHREC) 2020. In this paper, we discuss the results obtained by the methods proposed by the groups participating in the contest and baseline methods provided by the organizers. Retrieval methods have been compared using the precision-recall curves, nearest neighbor, first tier, second tier, normalized discounted cumulated gain and average dynamic recall. Results show the feasibility of gravels characterization from captured surfaces and issues in the discrimination of mixture of gravels of different size